『FAKES: An Anthology of Pseudo-Interviews, Faux-Lectures, Quasi-Letters, "Found" Texts, and Other Fraudulent Artifacts』(2012)というアンソロジーをだいたい読んだ。タイトルどおり、インタビューだの講義だの講演だの書評だのカタログだの手紙だの張り紙だの反省文だの説明書だの問題文だのとにかく、本来フィクションには用いられない、一定程度形式の定まっているテキストのパロディが40篇ほど収められている。日本でも去年SF界隈で『異常論文』(早川書房)が流行ったけれど、そういうのの範囲を更に拡張した欲張りなくくりです。
虚構手記文学や書簡体小説のような歴史ある鉄板ジャンルから、Amazon のレビュー欄や twitter のフィードのパロディまで、射程が広すぎる。日本の作家たちも「本来フィクション的でない」形式の小説を書くのが大好きなので、国産品も探せばいっぱい出てくるはずです。やんないけど。
・以下は掲載作のリストと巻末付録の「Further Reading」リストのまとめ。このブログで扱ったものについてはタイトルにリンクを貼ってあります。気が向いたらあとでリンク付きのタイトルが増えるかもしれない。
1. "Disclaimer" David Means 免責事項
2. "I CAN SPEAK!™" George Saunders 企業への苦情に対する返信文
3. "Some Instructions to My Wife Concerning the Upkeep of the House and Marriage, and to My Son and Daughter Concerning the Conduct of Their Childhood" Stanley Crawford 説明書/ガイド
4. "One Thousand Words on Why You Should Not Talk During a Fire Drill" Mark Halliday 反省文としてのエッセイ
5. "Problems for Self-Study" Charles Yu 文章題
6. "Permission Slip" Caron A. Levis パブリック・アドレス(スピーカーを通して行われる放送)
7. "How to Become a Writer" Lorrie Moore 説明書
8. "The Dead Sister Handbook: A Guide for Sensitive Boys (Laconic Method to Near Misses)" Kevin Wilson 用語集
9. "Interview with a Moron" Elizabeth Stuckey-French インタビュー
10. "Reference #388475848-5" Amy Hempel 駐車場からの通知
11. "The Explanation" Donald Barthelme インタビュー
12. "Letters to Wendy's" (excerpt) Joe Wenderoth コメントカード
13. "This Is Just to Say That I'm Tired of Sharing an Apartment with William Carlos Williams" Laura Jayne Martin ノート(張り紙)
14. "Single Woman for Long Walks on the Beach" Ron Carlson 個人広告
15. "My Beard, Reviewed" Chris Bachelder (ウェブサイトの)レビュー
16. "The Varieties of Romantic Experience: An Introduction" Robert Cohen 講義録
17. "Vis à Vis Love" Mike Eerkens 契約書
18. "Practice Problem" Joseph Salvatore 文章題
19. "Officers Weep" Daniel Orozco ポリス・ブロッター(警察官のつける日誌のような記録)
20. "Subtotals" Greg Burnham リスト
21. "Our Spring Catalog" Jack Pendarvis 出版社のカタログ
22. "Reply All" Robin Hemley Eメール
23. "Chaucer Tweets the South by Southwest Festival" Kari Anne Roy Twitter のフィード
24. "Iconographic Conventions of Pre- and Early Renaissance: Italian Representations of the Flagellation of Christ" Rachel B. Glaser アカデミック・エッセイ
25. "The Human Side of Instrumental Transcommunication" Wendy Brenner 会議論文
26. "Class Notes" Lucas Cooper 卒業生へのニュースレター
→「同級生近況」『Sudden Fiction 超短編小説70』文春文庫
27. "Dear Stephen Hawking" Samantha Hunt 手紙
28. "National Treasures" Charles McLeod オークション・カタログ
29. "Discarded Notions" Matthew Williamson リスト
30. "Star Lake Letters" Arda Collins 書簡
31. "Life Story" David Shields 編集物(compilation)
32. "Instructions for Extinction" Melanie Rae Thon 説明書
33. "Will & Testament" Matthew Vollmer 遺言書
34. "Letter to a Funeral Parlor" Lydia Davis 手紙
35. "Acknowledgments" Paul Theroux 著者による謝辞
→「謝辞」『Sudden Fiction 2 超短編小説・世界篇』文春文庫
36. "Primary Sources" Rick Moody 文献への註釈
37. "Contributor's Note" Michael Martone 寄稿者についてのメモ
38. "The Year's Best Fiction 2008: The Authors Speak" J. Robert Lennon 著者による解説
39. "About the Typefaces Not Used in This Edition" Jonathan Saran Foer タイプされた覚書
40. "The Index" J. G. Ballard 索引
Further Reading【分類別】
Eric D. Anderson, "The Instructions"
Rick DeMarinis, "Rudderless Fiction: Lesson One"
Junot Díaz, "How to Date a Brown Girl (blackgirl, whitegirl, or halfie)"
Becky Hagenston, "How to Keep Busy While Your Fiancé Climbs Mt. Everest"
Shelley Jackson, "The Putti"
Lucy A. Snyder, "Installing Linux in a Dead Badger"
Teddy Wayne, "Rules and Regulations for Benehmen!, the German Board Game of Discipline"
Laura Madeline Wiseman, "How to Measure Your Breast Size"
Charles Baxter, "The Lawrence Quint Interview"
Wendy Brenner, "Questions for the Lawyer" (written on cocktail napkin for Esquire)
Ben Marcus, "On Not Growing Up"
Julie Schumacher, "An Explanation for Chaos"
David Foster Wallace, Brief Interviews with Hideous Men (excerpt)
Jonathan Saran Foer, "A Primer for Punctuation of Heart Disease"
Amelia Gray, "Trip Advisory: The Boyhood Home of Former President Ronald Reagan"
Thomas Hopkins, "An American Casanova in New York, by Balthus Poindexter: A Reading Group Guide"
R. M. Berry, "History"
Marsha Koretzky, "Kurt Vonnegut Didn't Know Doodly-Squat about Writing"
Peter Cherches, "Reading Comprehension"
Ian Frazier, "Have You Ever?"
Myla Goldberg, "Comprehension Test"
A. B. Paulson, "The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality: A Diagnostic Test in Two Parts"
Padgett Powell, The Interrogative Mood: A Novel? (excerpt)
Chris Bachelder, "On a Difficult Sentence in Gatsby"
R. M. Berry, "Second Story"
Brian Evenson, "Moran's Mexico: A Refutation, by C. Stelzmann"
Ralph Gamelli, "The Stick, Recently Inducted into the Toy Hall of Fame, Is Now s Available at Amazon.com"
Alix Olin, "An Analysis of Some Troublesome Recent Behavior"
Naomi J. Williams, "The Report"
Ron Carlson, "The Disclaimer"
Amelia Gray, "Code of Operation: Snake Farm"
Shelley Jackson, "Dildo"
Ben Marcus, "The New Female Head"
Stephen Millhauser, "A Game of Clue"
V. S. Naipaul, "The Night Watchman's Occurrence Book"
Daniel Orozco, "Orientation"
J. David Stevens, "What We Sell in the Room Today"
Chris Bachelder, "Deep Wells. USA"
Arthur C. Clarke, "The Shining Ones"
Don DeLillo, "Videotape"
John Griswold, "Transcript of a World War I Veteran's Narrative: Nickelton, Kentucky"
Matthew Vollmer, "Man-O'-War"
Caitlin Horrocks, "It Looks Like This"
Eric Puchner, "Essay #3: Leda and the Swan"
Rick Moody, "The Preliminary Notes"
Keith Lee Morris, "Notes for an Aborted Story Called 'The Cyclist' That Turned Out to Be Too Much Like 'The Swimmer*"
Robert Anthony Siegel, "The Memoirs of Edwin Chester, Who Would Have Discovered the Origin of Species Had His Place on HMS Beagle Not Been Taken by Charles Darwin"
Donald Barthelme, "The Glass Mountain"
Roxane Gay, "You Never Knew How the Waters Ran So Cruel So Deep"
Wendy Rawlings, 'The Fleischer/Giaccondo Online Gift Registry"
Sean Adams, "I Remember When I Was Your Age, Twin Brother"
Ron Carlson, "Gold Lunch"
Jason Grunebaum, "Major Nixon"
Pat Kewley, "A Hot Air Balloon Captain Addresses His Crew on the Eve of a Very Important Hot Air Balloon Race"
Colin Nissan, "It's Decorative Gourd Season, Motherfuckers"
Joyce Carol Oates, "Ladies and Gentlemen"
Teddy Wayne, "Okay, America: We're Turning Everything into Vampires"
Amie Barrodale, "Prospectus"
Janet Burroway, "Report on Professional Activities"
Doug Dorst, "Splitters: H. A. Quilcock's Profiles in Botany: A Lost Manuscript Restored"
Ian Frazier, "Coyote v. Acme"
Heidi Julavits, "Marry the One Who Gets There First: Outtakes from the Sheidegger-Krupnik Wedding Album"
Stewart O'Nan, "Report on the Traffic Fatality Involving Lady Diana Spencer"
Alexi Zentner, "The Adjuster"
Ron Carlson, "Syllabus"
Rosellen Brown, "Inter-Office"
Tessa Brown, "In Reference to Your Recent Communications"
Ron Carlson, "Recommendation for Gordon Lee Bunsen"
Raymond Carver, "Why, Honey?"
Dave Eggers, "Letters from Steven, a Dog, to Captains of Industry"
Nell Freudenberger, "Letter to the Last Bastion"
Amelia Gray, "This Quiet Complex"
Gabe Hudson, "Dear Mr. President"
Michael Kimball, "Excerpts from the Suicide Letters of Jonathon Bender (b.1967-d.2000)*
Alyce Miller, "Aftershock"
Alice Munro, "A Wilderness Station"
George Saunders, "Ask the Optimist!"
David Shields, "Comp Lit 101: Walt Grows Up"
David Shields, 'Possible Postcards from Rachel, Abroad"
Joe Wenderoth, "Letter of Recommendation"
Rob Wittig, "The Fall of the Site of Marsha,"
Meg Favreau, "The San Diego Snake Company's September Newsletter"
Allan Gurganus, "Preservation News"
STYLE GUIDE(スタイルガイド*1)
Ron Carlson, "My True Style Guide"
Michael Parrish Lee, "The People Catalogue"
Joanna Rocco, A Compendium of Domestic Incidents (excerpt)
Ben Doller (previously Doyle), "FAQ"
EBAY LISTING(フリマサイト*2のリスト)
Patrick Madden, "Writer Michael Martone's Leftover Water"
Kevin Brockmeier, "The Jesus Stories"
A. J. Packman, "First Drafts of the Parables of Jesus"
J. M. Tyree, "The First Book of the Chronicles of the Cola Wars"SCREENPLAY
Amelia Gray, "The Pit"
China Miéville, "Entry Taken from a Medical Encyclopedia"
Amelia Gray, "Diary of the Blockage"
China Miéville, "Details"
Oyl Miller, "A Cover Letter from an Art Major Seeking a Job that Literally Requires Him to Apply the Skills He Learned in School"
Jack Pendarvis, "Sex Devil"
Frank Ferri, "Selected Personals from the American Psychiatric Association's Dating Website"
Jonathan Lethem, "Liner Note"
Rick Moody, "Wilkie Fahnstock, The Boxed Set"
Matt Bell, "An Index of How Our Family Was Killed"
Christopher Hellwig, An Archive from the Lives of Retired Gunslingers (excerpt)
Lance Olsen, "Table of Contents"
Michael Martone, "Acknowledgment"
Kate Bernheimer, The Complete Tales of Ketzia Gold; The Complete Tales of Merry Gold
Roberto Bolano, The Savage Detectives; Nazi Literature in the Americas
Jorge Luis Borges, The Book of Imaginary Beings
Christopher Boucher, How to Keep Your Volkswagen Alive
Robert Olen Butler, Had a Good Time
A. S. Byatt, Possession
Italo Calvino, The Castle of Crossed Destinies
Mary Caponegro, The Complexities of Intimacy
Jerome Charyn, The Tar Baby
Stanley Crawford, The Log of the S. S. the Mrs. Unguentine
Stanley Crawford, Petroleum Man
Stanley Crawford, Some Instructions to My Wife Concerning the Upkeep of the House and Marriage, and to My Son and Daughter Concerning the Conduct of Their Childhood
Mark Z. Danielewski, House of Leaves; The Whalestoe Letters
Charles Duff, A Handbook on Hanging
Max Ernst, The Hundred-Headed Woman; A Week of Kindness
Richard Flanagan, Gould's Book of Fish: A Novel in 12 Fish
Matthew Geller, Difficulty Swallowing: A Medical Chronicle
Lauren Groff, The Monsters of Templeton
Steven Hall, The Raw Shark Texts
B. S. Johnson, The Unfortunates
Michael Kimball, Dear Everybody
Sam Lipsyte, Home Land
Alison Lurie, The Truth About Lorin Jones
Kuzhali Manickavel, Insects Are Just Like You and Me Except Some of Them Have Wings
Stephen Marche, Shining at the Bottom of the Sea
Michael Martone, The Blue Guide to Indiana
Carole Maso, The Art Lover
Kevin Mcllvoy, The Complete History of New Mexico
McSweeney's, issue 17(文芸雑誌の特集)
Steven Millhauser, Edwin Mulhouse: The Life and Death of an American Writer 1943-1954 by Jeffrey Cartwright
David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas
Vladimir Nabokov, Pale Fire
Georges Perec, Life: A User's Manual
→『人生 使用法』水声社
G. W. G. Sebald, The Emigrants; The Rings of Saturn
Leanne Shapton, Important Artifacts and Personal Property from the Collection of Lenore Doolan and Harold Morris, Including Books, Street Fashion, and Jewelry
Gilbert Sorrentino, Aberration of Starlight; Lunar Follies; Mulligan Stew
Bram Stoker, Dracula
Mark Twain, Diaries of Adam and Eve
Colon Whitehead, John Henry Days
*5:本アンソロでも"Some Instructions to My Wife Concerning the Upkeep of the House and Marriage, and to My Son and Daughter Concerning the Conduct of Their Childhood"と"Instructions for Extinction"は説明書の強権性をかなり自覚的な形で読み手に行使してくる。っていうか説明書形式のものはだいたいそれが基本だ。